Works for new Westcott roundabout are underway

06/01/20 | Park News

Work to create a new roundabout on the main A41 Road at Westcott is underway and is set to be a major traffic improvement.  The new roundabout will provide direct access from the A41 to Westcott Venture Park, alleviate traffic through Westcott Village and improve road safety.

Works to divert utilities at the junction have already begun, and first signs of construction will be the protection of a hedgerow and its root system, which will be carefully dug out and transplanted into its new position.

Heavy machinery moves in on 4 February, and a 40mph limit section on the A41 will control traffic flows with temporary lights at certain times during construction. The scheme is expected to be completed in the autumn.

Paul Irwin, Buckinghamshire County Council's Deputy Transport Cabinet Member, says the roundabout will not only significantly improve how the junction operates, but also create opportunities to expand the area's economy.

The roundabout and access scheme is the result of collaboration between the County Council and Westcott Venture Park, which has helped to keep costs down and accelerate the project.  Funding has come from the National Productivity Investment Fund, the Local Transport Board, and Westcott Venture Park.

"It's amazing that one roundabout can provide so many benefits," said Paul. "It unlocks great business potential for Buckinghamshire, it improves the operation of a major junction, and it'll make a big contribution to safety for residents of Westcott and Ashendon, who've been pressing for a roundabout for a long time."

Westcott Venture Park Project Manager, Nigel MacKenzie said they welcomed the opportunity to work with the County Council to increase the capacity of the junction, allowing greater traffic flow and stimulating development at the Venture Park. 

Temporary traffic lights will be in operation to minimise queues and keep traffic flowing.

For more information and to view a plan of the new roundabout please visit

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