Westcott welcomes new occupiers

24/05/22 | Tenant News, Park News

There has been a flurry of activity at Westcott with four new companies moving in and existing businesses expanding onsite.

Dedicated transport company Speedy Freight have moved into Unit 16 Century Court and serviced office accommodation at Building 330 to facilitate its rapid expansion.  

Winner of the Road Freight Operator, Speedy Freight has grown by 39% in the last year and has 101 locations throughout the UK, now providing dedicated same and next day transport services to every UK and mainland Europe postcode. The brand has over 8,500 customers and supports clients with a wide range of deliveries.

Laura Garrad, Office Manager of Speedy Freight explains: “The serviced offices at Westcott are perfect for our requirements due to our expansion. Safe parking and gated access onto the site were two of the main reasons we located here. As we also offer a warehousing service, we like to know our customers goods are safe!”

To contact Speedy Freight email miltonkeynes@speedyfreight.com or visit the website www.speedyfreight.com

Carpentry and woodworking company L & C Carpentry has taken office space Building 330 providing them with space to expand and better parking facilities.

The company relocated the business from Aylesbury and employ 60 people onsite providing contractors and developers carpentry and joinery services.

Victoria Cannell, Operations Director of L & C Carpentry said: “We moved to the park as we were looking for larger premises. Westcott offered the best value for money solution along with the bonus of great security, a fantastic location and easy parking.”

To contact L & C Carpentry email Victorial Cannell vicky@lccarpentry.co.uk or visit the website www.lccarpentry.co.uk

An established drone company, Nexus Nine has also taken office space at Building 330 and sees this as a steppingstone to expanding further at the park. They provide test and evaluation, consultancy, training, and operations support to the uncrewed (UAS) and counter drone (CUAS) industry.

Mick Davidson, CEO, Nexus Nine explains: “We selected Westcott Venture Park as our new home, a great site that provides us with the means to conduct our UAS and CUAS testing, training, operations evaluation, and research in a safe space alongside other valued members of the industry. The move is going to allow us to expand at pace and allow us to contribute significantly to the UAS and CUAS industry. Everything we do is to Enhance, Protect and Support our customers capability development and Westcott provides the perfect platform to allow us to do just that.

To contact Nexus Nine email Mick Davidson mick@nexusnine.co.uk or visit the website www.nexusnine.co.uk

This leaves a few beautifully refurbished serviced offices still available at Building 300 with accommodation including electricity, heating, business rates and parking.

Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service has taken a lease on Building 350 as a significant training base for the Service’s Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) team.   The fire service has been training its live scent detection dog Huw at K site for several years.   Huw played a key role in Exercise Phoenix which took place at Wescott in 2020 as part of the national (USAR) Programme in order to create a disaster scenario.

Existing occupiers Road Traffic Equipment Manufacturers (RTEM) has relocated from Units 9 & 11 Century Court into larger refurbished space at Building 84, providing the company room to expand.

International aerospace and defence company Nammo has taken on a large newly developed unit at Building 6040. The business has been based at Westcott for around 70 years and currently occupies Building 47 as well as J & F rocket testing sites. 

Rapid Response Medical Services, a leading ambulance service, has moved to the park taking industrial space with offices at the newly developed Unit C Building 4000. This is the final letting within Building 4000 with Units A and B occupied by Satellite Applications Catapult’s In Orbit Space Manufacturing and a Healthy Living Laboratory operations.

Construction is underway for a major new facility Building 6000 for Green Retreats which is rapidly expanding onsite.  The company already occupies 50,000 sq ft of space across Hangar 4, Building 2010, a state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor showroom, and Unit 11/12 within the Century Court development which houses not only the Green Retreats brand but also The Garden Studio, The Garden Office, The Annex and Home Power Electrical Services Limited brands.  The new facility will accommodate growth for a further 250 jobs.

Jayne Cannell, Business Park Manager said: “We warmly welcome the new companies to the park and wish them many years of success. Westcott continues to go from strength to strength with the variety of new occupiers reflecting the versatility of the accommodation on offer to local and international businesses.”

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