Top advisers on hand to offer sound advice to all business owners

02/10/23 | Park News

Businesses across the Park are lining up to sing the praises of a specialist advice team.

Since starting in January, John Browning, Workforce Skills Manager and Russell Wood, a Business Adviser at Buckinghamshire Business First, have been offering support and information to a wide range of firms which has made a real difference in areas such as planning, marketing and finance.

Kelvin Hamilton, Managing Director of microdrone developer Flare Bright, said: “The business review helped me realise my goals were a little unfocused.

“The Strategic Growth Planning masterclass highlighted clear areas in which the business could be improved and the importance of getting away from the grind to ensure the strategy is clear.

“The Finance Masterclass was also invaluable as I am an engineer and struggle with the financial side. I now have a much better basis for making decisions throughout the business as everything is driven by the numbers.”

Rob Armitage, Director of heating and air conditioning specialist Optec Group, said: “Thanks to Russell’s guidance and first-hand experience with ISO accreditation, we achieved silver Safe Contractor accreditation. More recently we have adopted balanced strategic scorecards to refine existing and develop new processes.

“The digital marketing masterclass was a brilliant resource as I have had no previous experience with this. John Browning also imparted valuable advice on the recruitment of apprentices and made us aware of the potential of distance learning enrolment.”

Duncan Lee, owner of the XYZ Music Academy and this year’s winner of the Young Entrepreneur of the Year at the Buckinghamshire Business Awards said: “The Growth Programme advice service meant I’ve been able to look at my business from an objective standpoint which has led to more meaningful communication with staff and prospective schools to work with.”

John visits Westcott every Tuesday and Russell will also be on hand regularly. They are based the Westcott Incubation Centre so business owners can just pop in for a chat or they can visit individual companies by appointment.

One of more of them will be on site on 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30th January; 6, 13, 20, and 27th February and 5, 12, 19 and 26th March 2024.

Russell, Business Adviser of BBF said: “We have been pleased with the take up in our services so far but are now looking to speak with more businesses across Westcott to see how we can add value to their businesses.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch to arrange a meeting.”

To learn more about this support, or to arrange a visit from John and/or Russell, contact them directly via the below details:

Call John on 01296 798774 or email

Call Russell on 01296 328142 or email

For further support from Buckinghamshire Business First, call 01494 927130, email or visit

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